Some of you may have noticed on the box of your microgames, there is a little id number that has 4 letters in it. These letters are usually the same for microgames you make. Nintendo microgames use 'nint'.
I bring this up because I noticed miotool decides to replace those letters with 'yasu' (the name of miotool's creator) when you export a microgame with it. So if you export a game and give it someone else, yasu has decided to stick a little of himself into it. Not only that, but it also does it when you import a game with it as well.
It is safe to assume that I do not like this and will be adding importing/exporting to CrygorTool to avoid this.
I noticed that almost immediately after starting to use miotool. I've been unable to figure out how to fix the crc, though, (which yasu apparently HAS figured out) so I've been unable to fix it.
I don't like that tag thing either, but I hope it can be fixed later. IDs are to be kept untouched so that it looks more authentic and not "hacked" with another name. ^^;
- Rebecca
I'd say it's only fair for creating such an incredibly useful tool :P Aren't ID-tags automatically generated based on your company name, though? And as far as I know you can easily fix it by importing your game to the Game MakerMatic and then saving it again to generate a new ID tag.
It would be nice if CrygorTool could let you edit the ID tag though. Right now the game sets all my ID tags to FREN; I'd rather turn them into PHAZ or PHZT :P
I love my own ID. It's ROFL. >w<
But I'd love to be able to change it too.
- Rebecca
@Phazeta I'm pretty sure that tags are generated once, when you first create a save.
@VixyNyan Mine is actually pretty good too - I got BAWW.
Emtu Pfeffer, you can keep changing your ID tags anytime you want. Just rename your Brand name to something else. But the 4-letter ID changes depending on what Brand name you have, so you have to keep writing random things and hope you get an ID that you like.
Yeah, I just figured that out. However, some of these can't be entirely derived from what you enter for a company name, it's just too big of a coincidence with stuff like ROFL, BAWW, and TTYL popping up.
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